V3 eFolder Document Contracts and Attributes
The following sections lists each contract used in the V3 eFolder Document APIs and describes all the attributes that make up each contract. All attributes are optional unless otherwise specified.
Document Contract
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the documentContract.
id string | Unique identifier of the document container. |
title string | The title of the document. |
description string | Description of the document. |
status string | NOTE: This attribute will be deprecated in the upcoming 25.3 release. Use 'documentStatus' as the alternative. RetrieveOnly. Possible values are: - expected - expected! - expired! - needed - ordered - ready for UW - ready to ship - received - reordered - reviewed |
documentStatus string | RetrieveOnly. Status of the document. Possible values are: - Expected - Expired - PastDue - ReadyForUW - ReadyToShip - Received - Requested - Rerequested - Reviewed |
statusDate string | RetrieveOnly. Date the current status was achieved. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ For example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.085Z |
receivedBy EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the user who marked the document as received. |
receivedDate string | Date the document was received. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ For example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.085Z |
requestedBy EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the user who marked the document as re-requested. |
requestedDate string | Date the document was requested. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ Example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.107Z |
rerequestedBy EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the user who marked the document as re-requested. |
rerequestedDate string | Re-requested Date from the Status area in Document Details window. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ Example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.107Z |
reviewedBy EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the user who marked the document as reviewed. |
reviewedDate string | Date the document was reviewed by processor or role user. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ For example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.085Z |
readyForUwBy EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the user who marked the document as ready for underwriting. |
readyForUwDate string | Date the document is ready for underwriting to review. The format is: yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ For example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.085Z |
readyToShipBy EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the user who marked the document as ready to ship. |
readyToShipDate string | Date the document is ready for shipping to investor. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ For example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.085Z |
createdBy EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. Reference to the user who created the document or comment. |
isProtected boolean | RetrieveOnly. Indicates if this is a protected document. |
createdDate string | RetrieveOnly. Date the document or comment was added. The format is: _yyyy-MM-ddTHH_mm_ssZ For example: 2020-01-07T01:57:23.053Z. |
documentGroups Arraydata": { | RetrieveOnly. List of document groups that the document is a part of. |
roles Arraydata": { "h-0": "ATTR | List of References to the roles that the document is intended for. |
expectedDate string | RetrieveOnlyDate the document is expected to be received by. The format is: yyyy-MM-dd For example: 2020-01-07 |
expirationDate string | RetrieveOnly. The date a received document will expire. The format is: yyyy-MM-dd For example: 2017-01-07 |
milestone EntityReferenceContract | Milestone as defined by the EntityReferenceContract. |
accessibleTo Arraydata": { | Lists if the document is accessible externally, through TPO Portal or Webcenter. |
documentTypes Arraydata": { | RetrieveOnly. List of document types. |
attachments Arraydata": { "h-0": "ATTRIBUTES", | List of attachments linked to the document container. |
isMarkedRemoved boolean | RetrieveOnly. A value of True indicates the document is marked as removed. |
daysDue integer | Number of days when a requested document is due. For example: 0 |
daysTillExpire integer | Number of days a received document is valid. For example: 0 |
application ApplicationReferenceContract | Reference to the application/ borrower pair that the document is linked to. If not specified, the document gets linked to all the borrower pairs in the loan file. |
conditions Arraydata": { "h-0": "ATTR | Reference to the list of Conditions associated with the document. |
requestedFrom string | Person or company the document is being requested by. |
packageId string | Reference to the Disclosure Package id. This attribute is applicable to ServiceToServiceOnly. |
verification EntityReferenceContract | CreateOnly. Used to create a Verification Log document, e.g. a document that is linked to a particular Verification such as VOD, VOL, etc. Value can be passed when creating the document. Once the document is created this field cannot be updated. |
emnSignature string | Reference to EPASS Signature that is used by thick client EMN integrations. This attribute is applicable to ServiceToServiceOnly. |
atrqmVerificationTypes array[string] | The selected ATR/QM verification types applicable to the given document. Allowed values: "Employment", "Income", "Obligation", "Asset" This field is readOnly. |
Entity Reference Contract Attributes
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the entityReferenceContract.
entityId string | Required. Unique identifier of the entity. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. Name of the entity. |
entityType string | The entity type for documents, is “Document”. The entity type for attachments, is “Attachment”. Other possible values are: User Role Condition Application Attachment Document * Milestone |
File Attachment Entities Contract Attributes
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the attachmentEntitiesContract.
isActive boolean | A value of True indicates the file attachment is active. |
entityId string | Required. The unique identifier assigned to the file attachment. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. The name of the file attachment. |
entityType string | The entity type for documents, is “Document”. The entity type for attachments, is “Attachment”. |
Application Reference Contract
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the applicationReferenceContract.
legacyId string | RetrieveOnly. This is the application ID of the borrower pair in case the loan was created using the v1 Loan API. |
entityId string | Required. The unique identifier assigned to the file attachment. |
entityName string | RetrieveOnly. The name of the application/ borrower pair |
entityType string | The entity type for an application, is “Application”. |
Log Comment Contract
The following table lists and describes the attributes of the LogCommentContract.
id string | Unique identifyer of the comment. |
addedBy EntityReferenceContract | RetrieveOnly. Reference to the user who added the comment. |
comments string | List of comments. |
addedDate string | RetrieveOnly. Date the comment was added. The format is: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ |
forRole EntityReferenceContract | Reference to the role that this comment was assigned to. |
reviewedBy EntityReferenceContract, | RetrieveOnly. Reference to the user who marked the comment as reviewed. |
reviewedDate string | RetrieveOnly. Date the comment was reviewed by processor or role user. The format is: _yyyy-MM-dd |
isExternal boolean | A value of True indicates the log comment is external. |