Get All Task Groups

Returns the list of task groups. Return all task group data or retrieve a specific set of task groups using the query parameters.

Offset-based pagination and Page-based pagination is supported.

Offset-based Pagination is achieved by passing "start" and "limit" query parameters.
For example: GET /workflow/v1/taskgroups?start=0&limit=20

Page-based Pagination is achieved by passing "page" and "size" query parameters.
For example: GET /workflow/v1/taskgroups?page=0&size=20

The response data can be sorted by multiple columns. To enable sorting, use the sortBy query parameter to pass a comma-separated list of sortable fields. Each sortable field can be prefixed with '+' or '-' to indicate ascending or descending sorting order.
For example, to order tasks by rank in ascending order and priority in descending order:
GET /workflow/v1/taskgroups?sortBy=+rank,-priority
