**HIDDEN**Tutorial - Retrieve Loan Program Template Location and Settings


  • A Loan Program is a template of predefined values that display primarily on the 1003 application, the Truth-In-Lending Disclosure statement (for loans using 2010 RESPA forms), and the 2015 RESPA-TILA disclosure forms.
  • The Loan Program Template exists within a folder structure in Encompass Settings. To retrieve a Loan Program Template’s settings, you must know the specific folder location of the Loan Program Template.
  • The following orchestration can be used to determine the Loan Program Template location using the V3 GET List of Loan Program Templates endpoint. Then, you can retrieve a specific Loan Program Template’s settings, using the V3 GET Loan Program Template Settings endpoint.

Step 1 - Retrieve Contents of the Loan Program Template Folders

a. Use the following endpoint to retrieve the contents of the Loan Program Template folders

b. The Loan Program Template contents include both:

  • Loan Program Template Folders (template locations) [entityType = “TemplateFolder”]
  • Loan Program Template Settings (template files) [entityType = “LoanProgramTemplate”].

c. The “path” parameter is required. This “path” parameter is the template location you are querying. It retrieves the Loan Program Template contents of that template location.

Step 2 - Find the folder location of Loan Program Template Settings files

a. If you do not know the folder location, you can start with a root folder, as your “path”. There are two root folders.

  • Public Loan Programs root folder: “path=public"
  • Personal Loan Programs root folder: “path=personal”

b. Input the root you want to start with as your “path” and retrieve the contents.

c. Retrieve the root folder’s contents. Your response payload will look something like below.

d. Find the template location subfolder that you want to query next. Copy and paste the “entityPath” (template location) into the “path” parameter. Note: Template locations are entities, where entityType = ”TemplateFolder”. Retrieve the subfolder’s contents.

e. Continue this pattern noted in “d.”, retrieving each subfolder’s contents, until you find the template file you are looking for. Note: Template files are entities, where entityType = “LoanProgramTemplate”.

f. Once you have found the Loan Program Template file (entityType = “LoanProgramTemplate”) you wanted, you can use Template file location (“entityPath”) to retrieve the Loan Program Template settings. Your response payload will look something like below.

g. For reference, here is a screen shot of the Loan Program Template folder in the UI.

h. Now you will use the V3 GET Loan Program Template Settings endpoint to retrieve the preconfigured settings of the Loan Program. Copy and paste the “entityPath” (template file location) into the “path” parameter of the V3 GET Loan Program Template Settings endpoint.

V3 Loan Program Templates Contract

Loan Program Template folder name of the “path” folder.
Folder location of the “path”.
Contents of the Loan Program template folder in the request “path”. These contents are Loan Program Template entities. Can include both Loan Program template subfolders and Loan Program Templates.
Loan Program Template contents entity name.
Loan Program Template contents entity type. Indicates whether the entity is a sub-folder “TemplateFolder” of the request “path”. Or, an actual “LoanProgramTemplate.
Enums: TemplateFolder, LoanProgramTemplate
Location of the entity.
- If contents.entityType = “TemplateFolder”, then this is the location is an additional sub-folder location, within the request “path” location.
- If contents.entityType = “LoanProgramTemplate”, then this is the location of the actual Loan Program Template, within the request “path” folder.
Only included in the response if the contents.entityType = “TemplateFolder”, this indicates whether the sub-folder has additional nested subfolders. Allowable values: true, false

Step 3 - Retrieve Settings of the Loan Program Template

a. Use the following endpoint to retrieve the settings of the Loan Program Template.

  • V3 GET Loan Program Template Settings
    • The “path” parameter is required. This “path” parameter is the location of the Loan Program Template and it’s settings.
    • The “path” must be a template file, and not a template location. To determine whether the path is a template file or location, refer to the “entityType” from the V3 GET Loan Program Template Settings response payload. entityPath must be “LoanProgramTemplate”.

b. Copy and paste the “entityPath” (template file location) into the “path” parameter of the V3 GET Loan Program Template Settings endpoint. Retrieve the Loan Program Template settings.

c. The response will look something like below…

d. For reference, here is a screen shot of the Loan Program Template Settings in the UI.

Note: If “path” used is a template folder location, and not a template file location, you will receive the following error.

Status:  404 Not Found
"details": "LoanProgram template not found"